Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Trusting and Teething

Have I mentioned that I enjoy doing calligraphy? I have at times been obsessed with my handwriting, and I love art, so these two interests merged into a love of making art from words. My love for calligraphy even transferred itself to the walls of my son's room, where I painted verses that I wanted him to know and think about around the tops of the walls (instead of a wall paper border). One of the verses that I chose was Proverbs 3:5,6. Those are some of my dad's favorite verses, and they have encouraged me many times when I am tempted to worry and not trust God as I ought. This week I have had to deal with a faith-stretching issue. I was thankful to be reminded of these verses that instruct me to trust God. He has given me great peace where there had been anxiety and fear. I am so thankful to Him, and I want to praise Him and share these verses with you.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
and He will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5,6
On a rather different note, I recently discovered that Little Man apparently has two molars that cut though his little gums. That may not sound strange, but it is. See, he's just over one year old, and he only has eight teeth in the front so far. I was very surprised since I always thought that teeth came in from the front to the back in a nice, orderly succession. One thing I can say is that life is never boring as a mom! ; )


  1. i think calligraphy painting (or any nicely done word painting)looks much better on walls than wallpaper. much cleaner look. those are such good verses to do too! :-)

  2. Hi! I'm reading your blog for the first time and already I am excited because you are doing what I have recently been brain-storming about: putting favorite scriptures on the walls. Though there are many lovely things you can buy with scripture, they tend to be the same dozen or so verses. So I thought of stenciling on the walls (my artistic talents are not what yours likely are) - and then a friend clued me in that she got some $5 canvasas at Big Lots so I might go there to allow for flexibility of moving my scriptures once I've put them up. Proverbs 3:5-6 is one of my favorite verses that I had displayed in my bedroom as a teenager - definitely one to refer back to again and again. Thanks for the nudge to my inspiration.

  3. I love being able to make my own art work of verses that I want (that may not be the standard few commonly available), and I'm so happy to think that I might be able to encourage you to make some of your own too. ; )

  4. This is a great idea! Whenever my husband and I are able to get our own home I hope to have scriptures painted on the walls in ever room, I have it all planned out how it will look, I just don't have all of the verses chosen yet. :)


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