Friday, October 31, 2008

When it rains, it pours...

Well, I guess two blog awards in one weeks isn't quite pouring. ; )

I was excited to get my second blog award from Christina, my first bloggy friend. (Btw, I love the pink and green combination of colors in this one.)

For this award, I'm supposed to list six things I love, so here goes:

1. My Saviour and Friend, Jesus Christ

2. My family (especially my husband and son!)

3. Making stuff (quilts, other sewn items, scrapbooks, food, calligraphy art, and more)

4. Reading

5. Music (playing it and listening to it)

6. Colors (but especially green)

Now I get to pass it on. ; ) I'm supposed to choose six, so here they go (in no particular order).

1. Rachel, who makes me alternately laugh and think. (Sorry, I know you just got one on these Kreative Blog awards, but I couldn't resist since I like your blog so much. ; )

2. Tammie, my mom, whose poetry-prose is beautiful and thought provoking.

3. Kathy whose cooking blog offers mouth-watering recipes.

4. Kristena who has so many creative ideas that I just like to look and absorb them.

5. Jean whose artwork and decor ideas frequently inspire me to make something of my own.

6. Shaina has me impressed by her 6 month menu plan right now.

1 comment:

  1. Christina, you are sooo sweet! Thank you so much! I can't wait to blog about this tomorrow. Hugs,


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