Friday, November 21, 2008

life lately

Yes, you are seeing right. A couple of days ago, I made another tote bag. I have discovered that I love making tote bags and can whip them out really quickly. This is another retro-fabric creation (60's upholstery-type fabric) paired with denim. I am an autumn colors person, so the oranges, olive greens, and golden browns go with a lot of my clothes.

Since I have a hard time not adding embellishing touches, this bag has some unique features. There are two pockets: one on the inside and one on the outside. This enhances the practicality of the bag, as well as makes it cuter when it is reversed. I also added a couple of pleats to the handle where I attached it to the bag.

I am thinking about trying to sell some tote bags at our local farmer's market/craft fair next summer or maybe I'll just secure a couple of tables at the plain old craft fairs.

It seems odd to have not blogged for a couple of days. But it's a good thing to not become too dependent on it. ; ) I have been feeling slightly unwell. Mostly just drained and tired and having a hard time getting things done.

Yesterday was laundry day, and I still have piles of folded and unfolded clothes and linens on the couch (and in laundry baskets beside the couch. I am planning on finishing folding and putting away today.

This morning I woke up feeling energetic and was pleased to get the dishes done, but I am feeling drained and tired again already. :-/ I am at peace, though since I know that God will give me strength to do what needs to get done.

Anyhow, enough rambling. I am going to go tackle the laundry piles again. I hope that you all have wonderfully profitable days full of God's blessings.


  1. haha. your dad just asked how you could make a photo of laundry look so interesting.

  2. By taking a lot of photos, deleting most of them, and cropping the keeper. Maybe it's partly just a knack.


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