Monday, November 10, 2008

The recipe for waffles!

How to make your waffles:

Whisk together in a large bowl:

1 3/4 cups flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 tablespoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt

Whisk together in another bowl:

3 well beaten, large eggs
8 tablespoons of canola oil or melted butter
1 1/2 cups milk
splash of vanilla

Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and mix (the batter will be lumpy). Pour batter onto preheated waffle iron (if you are fortunate, you can look at your waffle iron's instructions, I had to experiment until I got it right since I got my waffle iron from my great grandmother, and I'm sure the instructions were long gone). Cook until your waffle is golden brown (with my waffle iron, it is 3 minutes). Enjoy with butter, jam, fruit butter, or syrup. My husband's favorite is maple syrup, and Little Man's favorite is fruit butter.

How to eat your waffles:

Give mom a half-hearted smile when you notice she whipped out the camera again and is interrupting your tasty breakfast of waffle and pear butter.

Carefully study the waffle to figure it out.

Once you are certain that it looks, smells, and feels like it will be yummy, take the biggest bites you possibly can!


  1. That recipe sounds wonderful. And the pictures are too cute for words. I love his serious look while studying the waffle.

  2. Oh Christina, your little guy is precious! The waffle recipe looks fantastic. :)


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