Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I have been thinking a lot about God's love lately, and I want to make a special post just about my thankfulness for His gracious love.

I am thankful that God loved me enough to sacrifice what was most dear to Him--His Son, Christ Jesus--for my redemption. For my freedom from bondage, for my peace and joy, for my unity with Him.

I am thankful that God loved me enough to be patient with me until I turned in repulsion from my idolatry, disobedience, and hate to Him and His purity.

I am thankful that God loves me enough that He still is patient with me--even when I refuse His help and choose to do wrong--and lovingly teaches me to do what is pleasing to Him, to chose holiness.

I am thankful that God loves me enough that He has surrounded me with more than bountiful blessings, spiritually and physically.

I am thankful that God loves me enough to give me wisdom when I don't know what to do, to give me peace when I worry, to assure me of His nearness when I am lonely, to give me faith when I am faithless, to give me love when it is hard to love.

I want to share my thankful rejoicing in God's love with others. I want the whole world to know the unfathomable hugeness of His greatness, His mercy, His love. I want them to see His love in me. It is a big love. I don't have it in me, but I have God's Holy Spirit in me, and God is love. Lord, help me love like You do.

I pray for love, more and more
That I might have a love like Yours
A love that goes from East to West
A love that has no height or depth.
Michael Watson and Steve Wilson

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