Monday, November 3, 2008

This Week's Menu

Last fall I started really and truly menu planning. I was making up my menu on a monthly basis. There were many benefits: it was fun, helped me plan to try new recipes, helped me with my shopping, and stopped the "It's 4:30 and I don't know what I'm making for dinner, ahhhhhh!" problem. Then in April we bought a house and moved. And in the comotion of life, my menuing stopped.

Well, life seems to finally be settling back into normalcy. We are getting really and truly settled, and my husband has been asking me to do a menu again (the dear, sensible man realizes better than I do, I think, how much it really helps me). ; ) I have made a few starts but have done a patchy job keeping it up. So today I'm going to start making a real effort to keep on the right track.

I've seen several of my bloggy friends participate in "Menu Plan Monday", and while I don't usually do that sort of thing, I thought that it would be fun and beneficial to participate as well. So, here goes.

Menu for November 3-9

Grilled venison (or chicken-depends on factors I don't really want to discuss here) with pasta, homemade tomato sauce (I need to use the next ripe batch of home-grown tomatoes), and mixed veggies

Tuesday: Burritos and salad

Wednesday: Crock pot chili made with lamb neck for flavor and meat and cornbread

Thursday: Roasted chicken with mashed potatoes, gravy, and corn

Friday: Chicken Pot Pie made with leftover chicken scraps

Saturday: Chicken noodle soup (homemade noodles) made with broth from chicken bones. I'll freeze the extra chicken broth for future use

Sunday: Leftovers or sandwiches or dinner at my parents' house.

I find that I do well having some scheduled flexibility, so I don't menu-plan breakfast or lunch. Breakfast is usually hot cereal, toast, fruit, and occasionally waffles, pancakes, or french toast. Lunch is often leftovers and sometimes sandwiches.

Can't wait 'till Friday...


  1. Great menu! Yum... I have not had venison for so long! :)

  2. :D my house for dinner on Sunday? maybe i should prepare. ♥

  3. No, I really wasn't assuming. ; ) It's just that it happens fairly frequently, so I usually have it in the back of my mind. If it doesn't work, we're not going to be crushed or anything. ; )

  4. Yummm! I really need to be on the ball and plan meals in advance like this!

  5. You are wonderful! Dinner was positively gourmet.

  6. Thank you, thank you, thankyou. And did I say "thank you" to you all? ; )


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