Sunday, December 28, 2008

Menu Plan Monday

As most of you know, I find that planning my menu out ahead of time helps me to shop more efficiently since I can make out a complete list that helps me avoid needing to run to the store all the time. It also helps me thaw the right meat the right days and be more prompt with dinner preparations. Some people like to plan all three meals, but I prefer to only plan dinner since I work well with a little bit of flexibility. Even the dinner plans are somewhat flexible, though I do try to abide by them.

I like doing my menu plan in two week segments. These next two weeks I have a few more unusual meals planned than usual. I also am picking up a few meals that were planned but didn't make it in the busy-ness of Christmas time. So, anyway, here goes. Oh, and I usually serve a veggie too, though I don't write it down every time.

December 29-4
M-Garlic-ginger chicken strips, rice
T-Tomato Soup, mashed potatoes, meat balls (double batch, freeze extra for future use)
W-Not sure yet
Th-Pork Chops with stuffing and cream of mushroom soup, rolls (company's coming!)
F-Roasted Chicken
S-Chicken pot pie
Su-Pasta with hamburger red sauce

I am also planning on making chicken broth to freeze for future use from the chicken carcass. I am hoping to be able to cook up all my garbanzo beans since they are getting old and make a bunch of hummus to use for healthy snacks and spreads. I think the extra will freeze nicely.

January 5-11
M-Boston baked beans and brown bread (we're giving this another shot since it didn't happen last time)
T-Pasta with grilled chicken and white sauce
W-Chicken risotto
Th-Stew (crock pot)
F-Meat loaf, roasted potato salad
S-Leftovers or my husband's choice (maybe I can get him it make it) ; )
Su-Lamb Roast with potatoes and carrots

More Menu Plan Monday


  1. Thanks for the tips on the venison. My husband did the preparation of the deer, so I know it was handled right away. I just can't get past the taste. I think I'll take your advice with the spices and onion.


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