Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Quilt Sewing and Suitcase Packing

I did it! I finished my second Celtic fair quilt this morning. I'm so very pleased with how it turned out. I was really hoping to get all three of them done before this weekend, but I don't think I will have time...

This is definitely my favorite of the three. I like it so much that I'm having a really hard time thinking of selling it. : } I love the pattern, the colors and prints, the borders. But I will sell it (I hope).

Thursday we are leaving on a six hour drive going to an early Christmas get-together with my husband's family. His sister is driving from northern Montana, one brother and his wife are coming from New Jersey, and the other brother, his wife, and their daughter are coming from Arizona. So, this family get-together is a big deal.

Little Man will get to meet his cousin for the first time (she is about five months younger than he is). It will be fun to see them interact. I will enjoy getting to spend time with my sisters-in-law again. I am interested to see how it works out now that there are babies in the equation. ; )

I really should go...I have so much to do before now and Thursday morning. Folding laundry, washing dishes, packing, cleaning, more packing, putting the folded clothes away, maybe getting our Christmas cards out, more recording, teaching a flute lesson, getting the spare room ready for my sister-in-law to stay in over night, playing music at the nursing home, not to mention sleeping and eating!

But it's a good kind of hurry. I may update again before we leave, and then again, I might not. ; )


  1. Hi, thank you very much for stopping by my blog and leaving your comment I am praying that God will show me.

  2. Thanks for the long comment on my long post :D

    This is my favorite out of all of them so far too. It's beautiful, I'd have a hard time selling it too.

    Have fun with your family!


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