Thursday, December 18, 2008

So, the big news is...

That this afternoon we found out that Baby #2 is on the way! I think the due date is around September 2nd. We are simultaneously thrilled and sober. Having a baby brings so much joy, but a lot of responsibility comes along with the joy. I know that there will be new challenges with being pregnant while having a small son to care for and then with having two little people around but am looking forward to growing and learning and experiencing each day's joys. ; ) Hehe, I'm so excited! (and I hope it's a girl this time!)


  1. congratulations!! I'm so excited for you all! What joy another one will bring to your lives.

  2. At least you don't have to walk up the endless staircase again this go round. =)

  3. Congratulations!! I'll be praying for you to have an easy pregnancy and peace as you wait for #2.

  4. Congrats! I had a gut feeling some how that you were.. It was kinda strange! I'm so happy for you! Sorry I haven't commented lately, I have been MIA for a while! TTYL,

  5. Oh how wonderful! Do you know yet when SHE ;) is due?


  6. Oh, sorry for the delayed response, Rachelle. "Her" estimated due date is August 19th, our wedding anniversary!


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