Friday, January 23, 2009

Date Night!

Last night my husband and I had a rare date night. It was fun dressing up a little bit, curling my hair, putting on makeup. ; ) Girly stuff like that. My parents watched Little Man (which I very much appreciate!) while we went out to dinner and then to a concert.

For dinner we went to a local hamburger place. It's kind of a 50's style diner called Sparkey's Garage. The lights are modified oil cans, and the napkins are pink shop rags. It's a fun place. And if you are thinking that it doesn't sound very romantic, I'll explain that they have some of the tastiest food in town and are the nicest not-too-spendy sit down restaurant we have. I had a crispy chicken sandwich (crispy fried chicken, ham, cheese, lettuce, tomato) along with amazing fries and the best strawberry lemonade ever.

The concert was an Irish band called An Dochas. They were gifted musicians, super-enjoyable to listen to. The Haran Irish Dancers performed graceful step dances with them on some of the pieces. It was entirely sold out (there were even people standing up in the back!), so we were fortunate to get there early enough to get seats in the fifth row, where we had a great view. After the concert we were able to go greet the performers and get them to sign my program.

Then we came home and thankfully sank into our comfortable bed!

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