Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Menu Plan Monday on Tuesday

The last couple of weeks have been crazy (thus the lack of posts...). Last week I had a cold and didn't feel like eating. This week I'm feeling better, but I spent the day out of town yesterday. My parents, son, and I met my grandparents from Washington in Missoula for a day trip of family togetherness. Sadly, my husband had to work and couldn't come...I missed him. I got home late, and then we stayed up even later getting caught up.

So now I'm behind on menu planning. Here is my menu for the next two weeks.

T: biscuit sandwiches, and whatever veggie is on sale when I go shopping this evening
W: Pasta with hamburger red sauce
Th: Roasted chicken
F: Out of town for the day
S: Chicken pot pie
Su: Lamb roast with potatoes and carrots

M: Ham with roasted potato salad
T: Leftover ham with rice
W: Pasta, grilled chicken, white sauce
Th: Beef and barley stew
F: Chicken Risotto
S: my husband's choice
Su: leftovers

I'm going to try again to cook up my garbanzo beans and make hummus. We'll see how these next two weeks go, though. Sometimes life takes unexpected twists and turns.

Well, I have to run since I need to go visit my faithful fans at the nursing home. ; )

More Menu Plan Monday


  1. Oh, I wish I was as disciplined as you are when it came to menu planning. I'm so horrible at it. I think I'd rather scrub a toilet than menu plan! haha!

  2. Chicken risotto sounds great! Do you use a recipe?

  3. Yes, I do. It's an easy one, too, which makes it even better! Maybe I'll post it sometime... ; )

  4. Ok, weekly it is! :)

    I'll start reading today. I'll make a post about it just in case anyone else wants to join us.


  5. Ahh it VERY difficult lesson to learn, but sometimes God has to do it the hard way to get our attention!

  6. I usually have my hubby and son offer a couple menu choices. That way everyone has their favorites.
    Hope you had a terrific week.


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