Saturday, March 7, 2009

Popping in to say hi

Hello! It's been a while since I have posted. I've been busy. I thought I would pop in and give a mini-update.

I have actually really been enjoying being Internet-free. I have been enjoying reading more and spending more time investing in my guys. In fact, I have even been not-too-interested in getting online when I have the opportunity. I think it is a good thing.

Baby is growing, and I have developed a definite "baby bump" over the last week or so! I am at sixteen weeks, and I am feeling Baby move frequently. We are really looking forward to the ultrasound in about two weeks. We are hoping that Baby cooperates and that we are able to find out if we will have another little son or a tiny baby girl.

Little Man is charming and busy as usual. We have decided break him of his pacifier habit, and nap time has become slightly traumatic. :-( I think that he may be getting his two year old molars already too. And today he got his first big boy buzz haircut.

We are going through a time of transition, and God has been teaching me a lot about Himself and about finding my peace in Him even when I'm having a rough time. It has been SO good. I have been feeling more tired lately but have still managed to work on some projects. I did a small calligraphy commission project, and the last couple of days I have been working on baby quilts. I have three started and hope to finish them all this coming week. I will try to get online next week and post some quilt photos as well as writing something other than an update.

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