Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Change in Plans

It started last night.  I was going to make home made oreos as Summer suggested here.  I found a simple chocolate cookie recipe and dove in.  But it didn't look like it was going to be chocolaty enough for my taste, so I decided to add some instant coffee for more flavor.

Then as they were baking, I was going to whip up some cream cheese filling.  Easy, right?  No need to use a cook book...  I spontaneously decided to add some melted white chocolate chips.  It was decidedly glazy, and insisted on staying glazy even after the addition of much more powdered sugar.  So I added some vanilla and let it be a glaze.

The result?  Amazingly delectable, addicting cookies.  That's why the picture is of a half eaten cookie instead of neat rows of beautifully baked ones.  It's the last one. (gasp!)  Well, I take that back.  There are more in the freezer, but they aren't glazed.

I'm supposed to be washing dishes.  But I'm blogging instead.  Another change in plans.  I think I have spring fever!


  1. I've got a good recipe for homemade oreos...I just made them last week. They were gone in 2 days. I totally understand! :) Enjoy your spring fever!

  2. homemade oreos sound delicious...your version looks scrumptious!


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