Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Craziness of life

Here's a quick run-down of the recent happenings in our family.  I'm afraid they're not quite in the right order, but you'll get the idea.

~It's finally warm enough for sandals, capris, and ankle bracelets!  Our eight inches of spring snow melted in about three days, and the weather since then has been gloriously warm, sunny, and cloudless.

~We have been indulging in long walks (for a one-and-a-half-year-old, at least) and pleasant trips to the park.

~I had a little contraction scare and had to go to the doctor who couldn't figure out what was going on.  Thankfully they seem to have stopped.

~My husbands parents and sister came and spent the last part of the weekend and the first part of the week with us.  We enjoyed yummy food, fun games, and lots of doting on Little Man.

~Benjamin wrote a new song.  It's beautiful.

~He also went away on a retreat type thingy for two nights.  We were apart for the first time in our married life.  It was really, really rough and I didn't sleep well.

~I dog sat for an adorable little puppy named Maverick for three nights.  Little Man loved him and was all excited about playing with Ma-ma (the short "a" sound distinguishes it from Mama, which is what he calls me).

~We had plumbing problems and I couldn't do dishes for a couple of days and laundry for about a week.  Guess what I'm going to be working on... ; )  Thankfully Benjamin's dad was able to help him get the icky clog out while they were visiting.

~Little Man is learning which letters say what sounds.  I'm very proud of him and think that he just might be extraordinary.

Today I'll be teaching music and tidying my house.  Hmmm...and I need to come up with something for dinner.

1 comment:

  1. sounds like mostly good things...capris and sandals, i want to wear those!


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