Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

On Monday we had the privilege of going in and getting an ultrasound of our baby.  I am at 20 weeks (half way!) today, and while I am increasingly aware of Baby's presence as the kicks and stabs increase in frequency and strength, it is unspeakably wonderful to be able to see Baby moving on screen.

We are as certain as possible that this is another boy.  He was not shy in the least and we saw the evidence several times. ; )  I'm happy.  Little Man will have a Brother.  They will be able to share a room, and I will be able to once more use and enjoy all those cute little boy clothes I tucked away.

Brother was quite cooperative when it came to taking the important photos of his organs.  The technician was able to get some beautiful shots of his little heart, spine, and kidneys, but he was camera shy and kept hiding his little face.  This is the best face shot she could get.  I think he looks a little bit like Little Man, but definitely not the same.
Here is a photo of his little knees and hand.  He is about 11 ounces right now.  I can hardly wait to meet him!


  1. Know what that means, Christina? You'll have your baby about the same time Mom has hers! Cool! :)

  2. How totally exciting! I just love these first glimpses of the Work God is doing. :)

    You are such a talented sewer, too. Your shirts are beautiful!

    I appreciated your prayers. All is well, though I'm a little sore still today. God is good.


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