Thursday, April 16, 2009


my hope is in God
the Creator
the Almighty

He gives beauty for ashes
He specializes redeeming destruction,
ugly, useless, hopeless
He turns what is hideous to beauty
what is destroyed and warped to a useful vessel
what is hopeless to hope

He has redeemed me
changed me beyond recognition
that's how much He loves me
a miracle

and now I see Him changing them
giving them beauty as they turn from their selfishness and pride
working hope, hope in Him, where hope was lost
a miracle

i prayed for this miracle
my faith was small
like a mustard seed
but God takes tiny faith
and amazes
with the grandeur of His power
and the wonder of His work
as He responds to that prayer
a miracle

i am joyfully humbled and rebuked
Lord, increase my faith


  1. well said...sounds like God is teaching you alot right now!

  2. you have such a beautiful way with words...sounds like God is doing much in your life and in the lives of those around you. How exciting.


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