Friday, May 15, 2009

and I'm hooked...

...on fat free half-and-half in my chai tea.  Really, though, isn't fat free half-and-half and oxymoron?  How can something that's supposed to be half cream be fat free?  All that aside, it all started when Benjamin accidentally bought the fat free stuff instead of the half fat stuff for a recipe that really couldn't be made with fat free half-and-half.  To try to find a use for the fat free stuff, I added some to my chai tea instead of my traditional milk.  Voila!  Instant favorite.  It's creamy and richer than milk without being heavy at all.  As Little Man would say: "Eeyuuum, Eeyuuum!"

I'm also hooked on his cute smile.  I mean, really, who can resist such an adorable though cheesy little grin?  We spent around two hours outside yesterday enjoying the lovely spring weather.  We went on a walk, planted flowers,and  got out the trike for a test ride or two.  I'm looking forward to doing all the fun things we decide to do today.


  1. oh, i LOVE the post and the beautiful photos.

  2. He IS very cute :)

    What kind of Chai tea do you buy? I've tasted it once and I'd like to actually buy some.

  3. He is a sweetie! I love that smile!

    I'm passing on a friendship award to you. So sometime you'll have to check it out. :) Have a great day!


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