Monday, June 8, 2009

I played with my food

I have a weakness for food photography. I love "posing" and photographing my food. A couple of weeks ago, I had some serious photography fun while making dinner (which, incidentally, was a most successful experiment of making grilled pizza). Here are a few of my favorites.

I do wish the background was a little darker and the foreground a little brighter on this garlic one. I had fun utilising the rough "country" look of the window sills that need to be scraped and painted (one of my husband's summer projects) in this one.

Then I did several tomato poses.

I also enjoyed photographing my tomato sauce. I guess it was a tomato-y day. ; )

After this happened (I had to scoop up quite a bit of spilled sauce and put it back in the pan), I decided to put down the camera and focus on making the food:

Here is a shot of a few of our pizza toppings (Parmesan cheese, sliced mushrooms, and olives) on our porch rail after being used to top the pizzas on the grill.

I learned something about myself recently. I receive e-mail promotions and newsletters from Kodak Gallery (where I order my paper photo prints). One of their recent letters asked their readers to vote in a poll asking this question: "Why do you shoot [photos]?" The three answers were: "I shoot to make art." "I shoot to document." and "I shoot just because." I always thought that I take photos to document, but then I realized that I don't really. I take photos to make art (with a teeny tiny bit of documentation thrown in). That's why I don't take photos at social events even when I bring my camera. See, at social events, I would have to take hundreds of candids to get a few "good" artistic photos (and while I could do that, it would be anti-social, don't you think?). Anyway, that was a mini revelation about myself that I found extremely fascinating. Why do you take photos?


  1. that is enlightening. well, i take photos to document, but not to document social activities. i like everyday life and relationships. which may be why i don't take pictures of tree leaves and flowers and artistic arrangements of food. :D


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