Wednesday, July 8, 2009

bibs and baby blankets

I have been able to make amazing progress on my sewing projects during the last couple of weeks. It has been oh, so encouraging! Not only am a caught up on my mending, but I am also close to not having any sewing-machine-needing projects in limbo. If only I could find this quilt top so that I can finish it... Anyway, I thought I'd share some photos in this post of what my machine and I have been turning out lately.

I finally finished my ambitious number of denim (and corduroy) baby bibs. I had so much fun making them, but I must admit that I'm glad they're done! I left out photos of doubles, but this is the jist of what I did:

This is one of my favorite of the boy bibs:
More little trains:
I made several of the corduroy duck bibs with a duck print fabric on the back. They turned out so cutely that I had to make a couple of denim ones too.
When my supportive husband saw that I had the corduroy bibs cut out, he enthusiastically said: "Oh, you're going to make bibs out of corduroy!?" Then his face fell as he very practically commented: "All those nice little grooves for food to get ground into." Now every time I see those bibs I think of the nice little food grooves...oh well. That's what we have washing machines for, right? ; )

I also had fun making girly bibs with heart and flower appliques.
I love how the ribbon "leaves" turned out.
More hearts.

I mailed this little quilt (along with a pink and denim flower bib!) to some friends who are having a baby girl in November. My sister-in-law says the fabric I used for backing is too cute to be used as a back. That's why blankets can be reversible.

On my last trip to the fabric store, I couldn't resist buying some sweet boyish flannel for my own baby (it was 60% off, how could I resist?). I did, however, resist the urge to make an all-out quilt since I didn't have time, but I did have fun making this two-layers-of-flannel blanket. It's warm without being bulky.
Little Man gave the blanket his Big Brother Stamp of Approval, running over to admire as soon as I laid it on the floor to take photos. Apparently it looks like a good spot to finish one's snack of raisins.


  1. I really like the blankets. They're very cute and modern too.

  2. Love the bibs! way cute! you could sell them!

  3. oh, i love the new "quilt" that you made for liam.

  4. those bibs just keep getting cuter and cuter! I think the grooves will be absorbent! You've done a great job! That quilt is just precious.


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