Thursday, September 17, 2009

One month old

Brother's one month birthday was on Tuesday. Time has flown! He just gets cuter every day even though most of what he does is eat and sleep. He has, however, been staying awake for longer periods of time during the day and sleeping more at night (last night he slept for four hours!). When he's awake, he likes kicking his legs (and arms, as Little Man says) and studying the world around him. It is such a joy to watch him grow.


  1. Christina! How did I miss the birth of your newest? He is adorable....those eyes are the dearest...Congratulations on his birth! I don't think my dashboard ever updated some of your posts from August...WOW. I'm a bit behind, but sincere nonetheless. Congratulations.

  2. unbelievable how fast the month has gone, he is adorable and so big already!

  3. He is adorable! I always love a little baby with a pacifier. I think they look so cute! :) (I like your profile picture too!)


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