Thursday, September 17, 2009

Bear cupcakes and birthday celebrations

Last Saturday we celebrated Little Man's birthday. The "party" was a little more than a week early so that we could have both sets of grandparents present. It was a simple party. The only guests were the four grandparents, and we had pizza (Little Man's current favorite for dinner) and salad for dinner followed by chocolate cupcakes (another of Little Man's favorites) and ice cream.

I had a lot of fun making what Little Man called "tiny bears" out of sugar paste to accent some of the cupcakes.

The rest of the cupcakes were decorated with what Little Man called "big bears" or were blue with sprinkles. They were very easy and fun to make.
Little Man had a lot of fun "biting ears" like his dad showed him when he finally got to eat his eagerly awaited cupcake.


  1. Those cupcakes turned out so cute! They looked to adorable to eat. Good Job, Christina!

  2. adorable. what a wonderful way to decorate a cupcake for a little boy. very manly. :D

    stumbled on your blog somehow. hello! love your blog header.


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