Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Remember those extravagant 80's Jessica McClintock and Gunne Sax dresses? The ones with elaborate lacy trims, pouffy sleeves, and yards and yards of fabric in the skirts? Well, my mom and I worked together to make a semi-crazy quilt from some of them, and it we just finished it last week.
First my mom cut out 12 inch squares from the skirts and decorative sections we wanted to preserve from other parts of the dresses (like sleeves, collars, and bodices).
Then I attached the smaller decorative pieces to the squares along with additional ribbons and pieces of lace. My mom laid it out, sewed it together, and put the backing and binding on. (Yes, she did most of the work on this one, but we did work together, so it's still teamwork, right?) last of all, I helped her sew fancy buttons on it to tie it.

Soon we will pack it into a box and mail it to a dear friend. I think she will like it.


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