Monday, October 19, 2009

Two Months

Brother's two month birthday has come and gone. It is amazing how quickly time is flying. We have settled into what routine we can have with a new baby and are enjoying watching him grow and change.
We have very few photos of Little Man and I when he was an infant, so I decided to set up my camera on its tripod and make use of the self-timer feature. It was a good experience; I learned a lot and got a few good photos to boot!

His favorite things still include eating and sleeping, but the things he enjoys are expanding. He absolutely loves making eye contact and "conversing." He has such a sweet little voice and says charming things like: "a-GOOO," "hiiiiiii," "boooo," "aaaah," and "cooo." The two children my mom babysits after school love trying to figure out what he is saying ("He said hi to me!"). He also loves interacting with his big brother. They "talk" and smile at each other, and Little Man narrates what Brother is doing. Brother has also discovered that he likes his play mat. He squirms and smiles and maybe even tries to bat at the dangling toys with his hands (I'm not sure he is doing it intentionally, but sometimes it seems like he did).
This month has been so full and good, and I am looking forward to seeing what new things he learns and does this coming month.

1 comment:

  1. i love reading your posts. thank you for taking time to share these thoughts.


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