Sunday, December 20, 2009

deck the halls

left: our cute little Christmas tree
(No going out into the hills for a real tree this year;
we stuck to our tiny fake standby
leftover from Benjamin's bachelor days.)
center (top to bottom): to avoid ornament breakage,
I strung lights from our curtain rods
and hung breakable ornaments
higher than little hands can reach.
homemade chai latte
to ward off cold and decorating fatigue.
(Benjamin is the best!)
pretty presents all ready for Christmas morning
right: new coordinating Christmas stockings for all four of us.
(I made them from three different kinds of linen
and various pretty trims.)


  1. you even made your own stockings?! what an inspiration you are to me. and how beautiful they look!

    mm.. i've just recently learned how awesome chai lattes are. do enjoy!

    ps. the ornaments on the up-high garland of lights is such a brilliant idea! i'll have to remember that for someday in the future.


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