Sunday, December 20, 2009

More baby blankets

There seems to be another wave of babies being born, so I was motivated to finish a few of the flannel baby blankets I love to give as gifts. (Last month was super-productive; no wonder I haven't been getting much blogging done!)
I finished the happy accident quilt by backing it with a cheerful animal print and tying it at the intersections of the squares. I will be giving it to some friends whose little boy is due in early spring (I think?). I love this quilt so much; if Little Man and Brother didn't already have an opulent abundance of quilts and blankets, you'd better believe I'd be keeping it!
This pink and burgundy blanket is much more simple: two layers of flannel sewn together and then top stitched with a pretty pattern of flowers and leaves. I love making baby quilts, but this kind of simple blanket is wonderful if one is pinched for time. The two layers of flannel make a very warm blanket that is not bulky and that is perfect for packing around in our cold Montana winters.
This last one is a little scrappy quilt I made from pieces left over from a couple of other baby quilts. It is for some of Benjamin's college friends who are expecting their first little daughter. When I saw that they registered for mostly green and purple, I was delighted to know this quilt top I had tucked away to finish later would go perfectly with their decor. I love it when everything falls perfectly together like that.


  1. wow. my goodness, christina! what gorgeous works of art you have there. way to go! i so wish that i had the materials and the know-how to do what you do. these will be the ultimate gifts. oh so pretty.

  2. Nice work! I love the red and pink patterned blanket.


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