Sunday, January 24, 2010

bits and pieces

Life has been filled with bits and pieces of a lot of things lately. It's been hard to sit down and blog about it just because it seems a bit blah. Of course, part of my lack of motivation had to do with me having a cold for a week. It was a week of just trying to cope and take care of the boys; everything else slid.
Then there was the week of playing catch up on laundry, dishes, and house work. All of which, while necessary are not very exciting to blog about. It was followed by a weekend full of social stuff and a partial week of nursing a sick little son.
We did, however, start working on Valentine's day cards somewhere in there which was fun. This year Little Man is making (with a little help) pop-up cards for grandparents and aunts and uncles. Each one is different, and I think they are turning out very cute. We are working on them little by little so that he doesn't get frustrated and worn out.
I'm also making simple, one sided photo cards to send to the above mentioned relatives. All I have left to do is get photos of the boys printed up and attached. It was pleasant to be able to sit in the sunshine streaming through my window and work on them while I was recovering. (I am so happy that the days are getting longer again! Light is a good thing.)

I've also worked on knitting new scarfs for Benjamin and I (more to come) and photographing the boys. In addition, I'm gradually getting my house more tidy and efficiently organized (more on that to come too). Oh, and so far I've been able to keep up on my schedule for reading through the Bible in a year.
All the bits and pieces add up to a sum much greater than anticipated, and I find myself busybusy. But isn't that just how life is...
[Isn't he just too silly-sweet and fun? I simply had to include this photo.]

1 comment:

  1. We have been making Valentine cards too! So much fun watching their little hands work!


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