Tuesday, January 26, 2010

for daily beauty

little pink bottle
of fragrant shampoo
says right on the back:
"for daily beauty"

do they know what they're claiming?

do they know that true beauty
goes farther and deeper
than the sheen of my hair
or the glow of my skin?

do they know that true beauty
is hidden in a heart
that is not preyed on
or ruled by fear?

do they know that true beauty
adorns the one who
puts her trust in God
and lives in peace with a quiet heart?

do they know that true beauty
is found in one
who in love will give all
and serve when called?

do they know that true beauty
is much more than skin deep?

do they know what they claim?

surely not.

thinking about I Peter 3 and, of course, the label on my shampoo, but that's not the important part.

1 comment:

  1. how many products promise us beauty and youth, and really deliver empty promises and don't give us what we need or desire.


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