Monday, March 8, 2010

Monday Menu

Here's what I'm planning on cooking this week.

M-Well, we were going to have home made rolls and minestrone soup, but that didn't happen. Instead we had oven toasted bagel sandwiches and fruit.
T-Small Group; this week I don't have any food responsibilities!
W-Roasted chicken, mashed potatoes, and salad
Th-Chicken pot pie
F-Chicken noodle soup (maybe I'll get those rolls made for Friday's dinner)

Menu-ing tip: Sometimes I like to plan a series of meals that include elements from the previous days' meals. This makes dinner prep simpler and makes it easier to use leftovers in a creative and appealing way. For example, this week I'm going to roast extra chicken on Wednesday. I'll use some of the left over chicken in Thursday's pot pie, and then on Friday I'll use the chicken bones to make broth and throw the last bits of left over chicken into the soup.

What are you cooking this week?

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