Monday, March 15, 2010


Last weekend I had the opportunity take a series of photos for some of our friends of their darling nine month old daughter.
She was so cute as she posed and interacted with us, totally unselfconscious and unaware of the camera
She wore an Indian outfit from her grandma complete with baby jewelery. When her proud grandma saw the photos she commented that she looks like an Indian princess.
I enjoyed the photoshoot and think that I was able to get some good photos. My friend painted this flower pot for me as a thank you. Isn't it beautiful! I just love the fuzzy looking panda bears.
I enjoy photography so much. And even though I really have no training, I find myself taking family photos and baby portraits for friends. I'm even scheduled to photograph a friend's sister's wedding in a couple of weeks. How did this happen? I'm pleased and excited but can't help but wonder what I've gotten myself into.

I know one thing, though, I'm saving for a professional camera and am going to find a good book on photography and put it on my Amazon wishlist!


  1. They did turn out great! When you find a good book let me know, I too am more and more interested in photography and saving up for a better camera. Right now I have a Kodak EasyShare ZD710.

  2. your photos are beautiful! and with all that practice you'll be a true pro before you know it.

  3. how neat to be able to stumble into something and find out that you really love it. best of luck with the wedding. make sure to post pictures.


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