Thursday, April 29, 2010

Project Spring Clean: Master Bedroom

Well, as I anticipated, my spring cleaning plan was a bit too ambitious. I am planning on stretching it out over two weeks now. I have, however, completed the thorough cleaning and organizing in the master bedroom and the large master bedroom closet area. The curtains are all clean, and the bathroom is underway, so I'm making satisfying progress even though I'm not going as quickly as I hoped I would.

Our house was remodeled before we bought it to have an almost-master-suite. The bedroom connects to a large closet area by a short private hallway. The closet area then connects to the upstairs bathroom by a second bathroom door. The layout it a little odd, but we like it most of the time.

Here is the master bedroom from our doorway. (The lighting in the room makes it impossible to photograph well; I finally gave up on good and settled for reasonable.)
Here is our room from another angle. My parents-in-law gave us the dresser set they purchased early in their marriage, and I like it's substantial, vintage feel. I also like our bold, red accent wall. The red combines nicely with the rest of the walls which are painted "toasted oat" color to make a room that is perhaps the darkest in our house but that isn't drab.
These little shelves are on the wall across from our bed.
In this photo you can see the mirrored doors to our closets on the left and right, and straight ahead is what I call my "baby nook." Even though Brother has outgrown the cradle, I don't feel ready to put it all away yet; after all, it's not really in the way were it is, and I like being able to see it.
I must go and continue to conquer the bathroom. Hopefully there will be more pictures tomorrow.

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