Sunday, May 23, 2010

Monday Menu

[stuffed mushrooms]

As I mentioned, we're travelling this week, so my menu planing is a little different than usual. Here's what I have planned:

M: ginger-lime stir fry (new recipe)
T: Chipping in for our small group's pizza party
W: Eat up all the leftovers so we have a clean fridge when we travel
Th: Sandwiches on the road
F: Rehearsal dinner

What are you making this week?

P.S. My next post will be my 300th post. I feel pleased with the accomplishment, and Benjamin's compliment that my blogging has come a long way makes me smile and smile.


  1. Don't we have home group on Wednesday?

  2. ah, yes, we are. Thanks for that catch. : ) I planned my menu when home group was still on Tuesday, and I forgot to change it when I posted this.

  3. I'm not a huge mushroom fan but those look SO good!!


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