Friday, June 4, 2010

Apple Pancakes

On Tuesday I was mixing up a half-batch of pancake batter for dinner when I suddenly had a bright flash-back memory of my dad making apple pancakes, and I wanted some! I'm sure my mom made apple pancakes too, but this time my memory highlighted my dad slicing perfectly even, thin apple slices, arranging them on the moist pancake circles on the griddle, and flipping the apple pancake over.

So on Tuesday I made some of my own apple pancakes and took photos, planning on sharing the delicious idea with you. Here's what you do:

~Mix up a batch of your favorite pancake recipe. (I like the basic pancake recipe in The Joy of Cooking with the addition of a couple of tablespoons of milk for thinner pancakes.)
~Peel, core, and thinly slice an apple of your choice. (I used a Fuji apple this time, it was perfectly tart-sweet and lightly crispy when cooked.)
~Pour pancake circles onto your preferred pancake cooker. (I used my electric skillet.)
~While the first side of the pancake is cooking, quickly arrange apple slices on the doughy pancake circle tops. (I like to crowd in as many apple slices as I can without overlapping the edges.)
~Flip the pancakes and finish cooking just like you would with a normal pancake.
~Serve with your preferred pancake toppings and enjoy! (I had last autumn's apple butter with mine, Benjamin and Little Man preferred syrup, and Brother had his plain. We all enjoyed them!)


  1. My grandma would always make apple pancakes!

  2. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm sounds delicious. will have to try!

  3. Apple pancakes! Wow - I have never even heard of apple pancakes. I would love to make something like this though since they are so healthy I bet! We always use Kamut Khorasan Wheat in our pancakes since they too are full of amazing nutrition! I bet our kids would love this!!

  4. We love apple pancakes... we add a dash of cinnamon and a handful of chopped walnuts to the batter.


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