Sunday, June 27, 2010

Thanks to Benjamin, our grill is up and running again! (Have I mentioned that already? I'm very happy about it.) I researched and bookmarked a whole bunch of new grilling recipes and am excited about trying them. Prepare for a lot of recipe reviews! : ) Here is what I'm planning for this week:

M-leftovers and salad
T-garlic-ginger chicken kabobs with noodles and satay sauce and broccoli
W-taco salad
Th-grilled brown sugar pork chops, rice, carrots
F-Pasta with red sauce and spinach

What are you making this week?


  1. That picture is making me hungry! We just might grill tonight. Grilled corn on the cob was what I was craving! Maybe we'll add some steak in too!

  2. I'm still working on my menu since I'm not going shopping till payday. We had burritos tonight.

  3. I just happened upon your blog but brown sugar pork chops sounds great...did I miss a link to that recipe??? someplace??? MMMMMMmmmmm...


  4. Christina - Thanks so much for the link! I was sitting here and saw it pop up. On giveaways I dont respond because it makes it hard to count responses if I start to do that but thank you!

    Ive done similar things with chicken but without a recipe so I'm glad to have a sort of starting point! I'm using just pouring and going, um okay that looks good
    And sometimes it is, and sometimes not so much!




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