Monday, July 5, 2010

Monday Menu

I may have to adjust this week's menu a bit since my kitchen is undergoing construction (hooray!), and I don't have easy access to all of my cooking stuff and ingredients. For now, though, I'll be trying to stick to what I had already had planned:

T-hamburgers and fruit for the guys (probably spinach salad for me)
Th-savory garlic marinated steaks, insalata caprese
F-grilled pizza, spinach salad

Note #1: In case you were wondering about all the spinach salads and red meat, I'm needing to boost my iron intake right now.

Note #2: I was bored with my same-ol' same-ol' summer dishes, so I did a mega new-recipe-search on I found a lot of good ones to try. All the the recipes links in this post are results of that search. I've never made any of them before, so I'm not exactly recommending them; I'm just putting them out there in case anyone finds the names intriguing. I'll try to post photos and reviews of all of them after I make them to give my official impression.

What are you making this week?

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