Monday, July 26, 2010

Monday Menu

[insalata caprese]

As we have another week of kitchen remodel ahead of me, I have made a simple, prone-to-change menu again. Here's my (tentative) plan:

M-grilled chicken salad
T-tuna melts and fruit
W-hamburgers and grilled corn-on-the-cob
Th-grilled chicken, rice,
F-to be decided

What are you making this week?


  1. M - Polynesian Chicken sandwiches
    T- Taco Pasta
    W- Pork chops & zucchini bake
    Th-Dijon glazed chicken in slow cook
    F- Pepperoni fritata

    for now...and i hope i can eat :)

  2. Your salad looks so yummy. I enjoyed catching up with you here. I love that you record your boys' milestones in this space. You look so cute in all the outfits that you have refashioned - great idea.


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