Monday, August 2, 2010

July Trip-Graduation

The moment that I watched Benjamin walk across the platform to receive his diploma was a very happy moment indeed.

[Right after receiving his diploma.]

[the two of us]

Sometimes he regrets not finishing his bachelor's before now, but I'm happy that he waited because it means that I got to share the moment with him. It really was very special to be able to be there quietly though jubilantly cheering for him, knowing that I can be especially proud of all the work that went into getting his degree because I was part of the process.

[All of us]

[graduate of the school of cuteness?]

P.S. I do iron. Really, I do. The wrinkles are from the precious sweetness of a sweetly sleeping baby pressing new folds into my blouse.

1 comment:

  1. I never would have noticed the wrinkles - I was too busy looking at the happy faces and precious baby :)


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