Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Labor Day Weekend-The Fair

Labor Day Weekend in our town is named "Montana's biggest weekend" for good reason. We were crazy-busy all weekend, and I don't think we participated in half of the things that were going on! One thing, however, that we make a point of enjoying every year is the county fair.

This year I entered a sampling of the last two years' projects. (I didn't enter anything last year because Brother had just been born, and I was busy enough trying to get enough sleep without adding the pressure of preparing things to enter in the fair.) Also, Benjamin and I had a date night at the fair. We rode the ferris wheel, chatted with acquaintances, and looked at displays. Benjamin even spontaneously entered the town-wide karaoke contest (he was a finalist though he didn't win). And of course we took the little boys to see all the animals, eat kettle corn and free ice cream bars, and watch the cowboys and cowgirls compete at team branding (at least I think that's what it was).

I was too busy enjoying the sight and sounds and keeping track of my little guys to take very many photos, but I did get a few. Here are the best:

We happened to be admiring the sheep while one of the 4-H-ers was feeding her animals. She kindly let Little Man help feed the sheep. Both Little Man as well as the sheep were pretty pleased with the arrangement.

Little Man loved the rabbits (last week a rabbit was the first pet he ever requested). Grandma was so nice to lift him up so that he could see better.

Brother was a little more hesitant about approaching the animals, but he did enjoy seeing them. This little goat seemed to think that Brother's stroller would be an enjoyable lunch.

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