Sunday, September 12, 2010

Labor Day Weekend-Family Celebration

Last weekend Benjamin's parents made the drive from Utah. We enjoyed their visit so much! One of the highlights was the family celebration of the two boys' birthdays with both sets of their grandparents.

Benjamin made a "fancy cake" (cheesecake) for Little Man who always asks to look at the "fancy cakes" in the bakery department at the grocery store. It was amazingly delicious!

We had candles, singing, and present opening, and after the boys went to bed the grown-ups played some games.

[Little Man gets some help with his new puzzles from Grandpa.]

[Nonna is much less uptight about her camera and I am
and let delighted little boys play with it.]

1 comment:

  1. what a great family time. that fancy cake looks wonderful.....mmmmmm!


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