Wednesday, November 10, 2010

all dressed up

Another better late than never post:

We don't find many opportunities for dressing up in our wee, western town. So when we were asked to play music for the fundraising banquet for our local crisis pregnancy care center the last week of October, we jumped at the chance not only to help them out by playing beautiful music but also to dress up in our classy clothes. It was so fun to dress up in my little black dress, accented with high heels, pearls, and my white French silk scarf (it's actually from France; my mother-in-law brought it back after visiting Paris) and go out with my handsome husband.

Later in the same week, we went to a costume party at some friends' house. (It was Benjamin's first costume party every, and the first one I'd been to in over ten years!) We enjoyed dressing up for it in a completely different way. I wish we had gotten photos of our entire outfits. In addition to the shirt and tie, I was also wearing a straight, business-like skirt and no-nonsense shoes. They really added to the look. : ) We enjoyed getting quite a few laughs as people put two and two together and figured out what we were supposed to be.

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