Monday, February 7, 2011

brother's Christmas present

When I stumbled across this adorable tutorial, I just knew I needed to make a little fabric barn for one of the boys, and I stashed it in my to-make-for-Christmas list. I chose to make it for Brother even though he'll most likely appreciate and enjoy it most as he gets a little older.

[front of the barn]

I would have loved to add more embellishments and appliqués, but I had to face the fact that not only was I making it for a one-year-old (it needed to be durable and simple, with no small choking hazard pieces) but also I was running out of time (I had three days before Christmas, I think, and two more gifts to go). In the end I was satisfied with how it turned out. (I just love that red-and-tan plaid!)

[back of the barn]

[open barn]

Along with the barn, I gave Brother the farm animals with which I spent hours playing as a child. They're now vintage toys (yikes! am I getting that old?) but still have plenty of life left in them. I have enjoyed seeing the boys' joy in playing with them and am so thankful to my parents for saving so many of my childhood treasures for me to pass on!


  1. Adorable, Christina! You are fearless in the application of your many talents!!!!!

  2. That turned ot great Christina! Aren't they fun to make!

  3. beautiful work on the barn! and how wonderful that you are able to watch your guys playing with toys you played with!

  4. i love the last photograph. . .well, all of them, but the last one more than the others. you're such an artist!


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