Thursday, February 17, 2011


Ever since I was young I loved celebrating Valentine's Day. I would spread my crafting stuff all over the table and make elaborate valentines for those I loved. I have been thoroughly enjoying passing on valentine traditions to the boys.

We made and sent valentines (complete with excavator and dump truck stickers!) to grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins. We also enjoyed receiving some in the mail in return.

My parents helped with the celebration by giving the boys valentines cups and plates at breakfast as well as a few treats. The boys were, of course, delighted with everything.
Then later in the day we made a special delivery to Daddy's work: cards from all three a us (the card I made for Benjamin is pictured below) and some of his favorite snacks.

I also splurged and got a new espresso maker which I gave to him a bit early. (I kinda broke the last one, and we've really missed it!) This year Benjamin skipped the traditional obligatory flowers and chocolate (which, incidentally, I don't mind at all) and gave me a gift certificate for a one-hour massage! I'll probably save it for later in the summer when I'm huge and waddly and desperately in need of one. : )

We had such fun celebrating valentine's day that I'm a little sad it's over. Oh, wait. It's not. I still have a festive valentine tree in my living room!

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