Tuesday, March 29, 2011

sweet brothers

The week before I left on my trip (wow, that seems like a long time ago!) I had the perfect chance to capture some great brother photos. The boys were happily and spontaneously hanging out together in a natural-light-filled situation. Naturally, I grabbed my camera to try to capture a quick photo of the sweet scene before they caught on to the fact that I was photographing them and turned silly or ran away. Much to my surprise they actually stayed where they were and posed naturally for the camera! It's an opportunity that comes once in a blue moon, and I was so thankful for my nice camera. The following are a few of my favorite shots from out impromptu photo session.


[a wee bit silly]

[just plain sweet]

[a new favorite]


  1. Beautiful little boys! I try getting good photos of my three grandsons together... someone is always looking away or being goofy!

  2. These are treasures (boys & pix). You've got quite a talent for photography.


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