Saturday, May 21, 2011

Mother's Day photos

I know this post is a bit late, but perhaps it's better late than never, right? Before church on Mother's Day my precious little guys were convinced somewhat against their wills that they needed to take photos with Mom. When you're three-and-a-half and one-and-a-half it's a very hard thing to take a break in your excited morning running and playing to sit still and pose for the camera. I thought my guys rose to the occasion very nicely, though. Here are my favorite shots of the morning:

[getting set]
I love how unposed and relaxed this one is.
Plus it's the only one in which Sweet Pea's Bump can be seen.

[my precious firstborn]
Little Man gave me a rare cuddle
for a breathtaking photo.

[my darling second]
Brother was more interested in the book in his lap,
but that's okay with me.

[both of my sweet boys]
I love them so much.


  1. beautiful photos--beautiful memories. remembering grace too.

  2. What sweet moments! And lovely photos to remember them by.

  3. wonderful photos...precious boys for sure. your second son is almost as big as his big brother. Have a wonderful week!


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