Monday, June 6, 2011

monday menu

[cream cheese won-tons]

Well, I have definitely been blogging by fits and starts lately, haven't I? I hope to get back into some sort of blogging routine, but if I don't it's not the end of the world. : ) In the meantime, here is what I'm planning on mixing up in my kitchen this week:

M-dinner with my parents
T-grilled chicken, orzo with basil and parmesan, salad
W-quesadillas (made with leftover grilled chicken), fresh fruit
Th-steak, mashed potatoes, broccoli
F-farfalle with fresh tomato sauce

What are you making this week?


  1. seriously, you come up with the best meal plans. Have a delicious week!

  2. I've never been very good at menu making. I used to make a weekly menu on Sunday, but then on Tuesday I wasn't "in the mood" to make what was on the menu so I made something else... sigh. Tonight we had cold tortellini salad and barbequed turkey kielbasa on rolls.


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