Wednesday, July 13, 2011

mostly scenery

On the fourth-of-July we took a day trip to Helena. Benjamin and I, the boys, and my parents had a lovely time spending mellow time together as a family and sharing a festive dinner with long-time family friends.

While I didn't get any photos of our activities (though my dad snapped some good ones!), I did get some nice scenery photos on the two hour drive there and back. The following three photos are the best of my drive-by-shootings, as I like to jokingly call the the photos I snap through the window of a speeding vehicle, hoping some will turn out.

We have had an unusually rainy, wet spring and summer. I have been enjoying the cooler temperatures and extra green!

Some of the fields are overgrown with masses of yellow flowers, making a striking contrast with all the blues and greens. Aside from the allergies, this has to be one of my favorite times of year to live in Montana; it is so beautiful!

We enjoyed God's fireworks--a big sky sunset and some distant lightning--on our drive home, and made it into town just in time to watch the human fireworks display with friends who have an optimal view from their front porch. It was a wonderful day.


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