Tuesday, September 6, 2011

a build-your-own cupcake party

Brother's birthday is August 15, Little Man's is September 21, and Labor Day weekend falls almost perfectly in the middle. So when Benjamin's parents decided to visit on Labor Day weekend, I thought it would be the perfect time to throw a small, simple joint party for the boys.

It ended up being very small (just our family, the two sets of grandparents, and our friends Jeff and Katie) and very simple (nothing but cupcakes and ice cream, candles and happy-birthday song, and presents). I was a little disappointed, but it ended up working out for the best. The last thing I needed on that crazy weekend was more to do, and the last thing the boys needed was too much excitement (the were close enough to excitement overdose as it was).

I made chocolate cupcakes and whipped ganache frosting and set out some toppings. Then each person got to eat their cake exactly how they liked it.

The cupcake toppings (clockwise from left):
crushed oreos, sprinkles, chocolate chips,
chocolate sprinkles, blue sugar

Little Man seriously and carefully decorated his cupcake
with a little bit of everything.

Brother got some help from Grandma.

Cutie birthday boys.

I planned on getting pictures of everyone with their cupcake,
but of course I got distracted and didn't.
This is my dad, posing goofy.
He doesn't like much frosting.

Benjamin's parents shared a cupcake.

Benjamin made frosting-oreo dip for his cake.

Katie's was artsy and cute like she is.

Jeff preferred his cupcake plain.

I stuck to brown and blue.

After the fun of decorating and eating our cupcakes (and ice cream), we had present time. The boys both enjoyed opening their gifts and playing with them afterward.

The more I think about it, the more I'm certain that it was the perfect amount of party.

1 comment:

  1. That is a brilliant idea(the cupcakes)! And, sometimes smaller is just perfect. We've never had a big birthday party for Andrew because with it falling in December, there is nothing to do outdoors (it is so rare to have nice weather!) and everything indoors is either too pricey and/or too crowded soo we usually just do small family things. Maybe some year we'll do a big half birthday party or something for him in the summer! Love the pictures!


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