Tuesday, October 25, 2011

leafy meanderings

We have been enjoying
a late, warm autumn here in Montana.

The mornings are nippy-cold;
heavy frost turns our yard into a field of glinting diamonds.

But the afternoons have been clear and warm
with merely a hint of breeze.

It's the type of perfect weather
that results in brilliantly hued leaves.

It is also perfect for taking
meandering yet purposeful walks
on which we collect treasures.

We gather spruce cones, lovely leaves, photos,
and happy memories of time together.


  1. BEAUTIFUL photos! I especially love the bright red berries and those little FEET! :) Of course, the hand/armfuls of treasures is completely precious too.

  2. Ah, little boys and their treasures! I love your photos... they are beautiful as usual. I really like the one of the steps.

  3. lovely record of your adventure. <3


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