Monday, October 3, 2011

monday menu

[photographed at the community harvest potluck]

Happy October to you! I'm so happy about the arrival of my birthday month. And with the arrival of cooler weather I'm back in the familiar, comfortable territory of hot, comforting meal making. Here's what I'm planning on making this week:

T-marinated steak, crispy smashed potatoes, and salad (didn't get to it last week)
F- grilled chicken, orzo with parmesan and basil, broccoli

Ooooohhh boy. Three (actually four if I make Great Harvest knock off pumpkin bread too) new recipes in one week could potentially be disastrous, but I think we'll pull through just fine. What is life without some adventure, right? If I remember to take photos, I'll probably have some good recipe reviews to write up. : )

What are you mixing up this week?


  1. that soup sounds great....I love soup in the autumn! I'm in the mood for some pumpkin soup.

  2. I have GOT to get our October menu together! Doing that in the next hour or two. In the meantime, I made these great black bean burgers (and improvised a little on what I threw in from what I had)--turned out delicious so I wanted to share!!

    I actually used the recipe for the veggie loaf, not for the veggie burgers, but I made them into patties and barbecued them on the grill-YUM!


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