Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Autumn has arrived with a vengeance in our corner of the world. Golden leaves flame against dripping grey or brilliant blue skies; the breeze is nippy-cool. Sweaters, warm tea, and hot soup are comfortingly welcome. Also welcome are new autumn accessories! Lucky for me, I have two fabulously fun new scarves that I made based on an idea I found on Pinterest.

[Please excuse the headless photo; it was't a good self-timer portrait day.]

My mom and I had a lovely variety of autumn colored yarns between us for making into pretty scarf strands. I got so carried away with all of the exciting textures and colors that I ended up having enough to make two scarves. (I tried them all in one scarf at first and the effect was...well..bulky. So bulky, in fact, that it looked like my scarf was wearing me instead of the other way around!)

Anyway, I ended up making two autumn-colored scarves. I bundled the extra one up with a pretty gift tag and mailed it to my friend Katie who lives in Idaho.

I couldn't stop at just those two scarves, though, and had to use my blue, grey, and white scraps to make a third. This one is even less bulky and is much more like an accessory than a piece of ward-of-the-cold-air gear. I like having the variety. : )

This project was perfect for using up all of those extra little bits of yarn that are too big to throw away but too small to complete a project. Plus I can pick it up and set it down as many times as my interruption-full life demands without losing stitches or needing to find my place again. I can easily foresee more of these chain-stitched scarves in my crafting future.


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