Saturday, December 17, 2011

newborn portraits and a family photo

Some of our friends from church have a little girl who is just five weeks younger than Sweet Pea. I'm sure that someday they'll have a great time running around together but for now they pretty much sleep and eat their way through church oblivious of each other. We mommies enjoy chatting and comparing notes, though.

I had the opportunity recently to take these friends' Christmas family photos as well as so infant portraits of their little cutie. Below are some of my favorites:

This was her Christmas dress
from one of her grandmas.

little fingers

She wouldn't smile for me,
but she did chat away sweetly.

tiny toes

This was her Christmas dress
from the other grandma.

getting sleepy...

Since most of their family is from the east
and is not accustomed to the beautiful mountains
we so often take for granted,
they wanted their family picture
to have a Montana mountain scene as a backdrop.

father and daughter

This candid is, I think, my very favorite.


  1. LOVE the last one! The colors in the background are so pretty and it capture the moment well!

  2. such a lovely collection! i love the little dresses and the grandma-love that went into selecting them. and i love the montana "backdrop" too.


  3. Oh... these are fantastic! She is so sweet and both of the dresses are adorable! You captured the beauty of this family wonderfully. Montana is so beautiful! :)


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